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    [Game Description]
    Hit the flickering targets. Increase the multiplication rate. 

    Player with the highest score at the end of the final round wins.

    How to Play

    [Point 1 - How to score]


    When you hit a flickering target, you cannot score from it again.
    (Invalid zone) You can hit flickering bull's eye 4 times.
    THe highest possible score in JUMP UP is 13198.  

    [Point 2 - Increase the number of flickering targets]

    When the game starts, numbers 1, 2 and 3 are flickering with multiplication rates.
    When you hit a flickering target, the multiplication rate would increase by 1. This increase would be applied in your next turn. Increased multiplication rate is maintained throughout the game.
    When you hit a 'Single' area of a flickering target, an additional number would begin to flicker.
    When you hit the 'Double' area of a flickering target, 1~2 additional numbers would begin to flicker. When you hit the 'Triple' area of a flickering target, 1~3 numbers would begin to flicker. Thus, as you succeed, you would have a higher chance to increase the multiplication rate. 

    Ex) In the case of hitting No. 1 while numbers 1, 2 and 3 are flickering. 
    When you hit the 'Single' area, a total of four numbers would flicker (+1) 
    When you hit the 'Double' area, a total of 4~5 numbers would flicker (+1~2) 
    When you hit the 'Triple' area, a total of 4~6 numbers would flicker (+1~3) 
    When you hit a non-flickering number, you gain the score of that number regardless of the multiplication rate.  


    [Point 3 - Increase multiplication rate]

    When you hit a flickering target, you multiplication rate increases by 1.
    Multiplication rate can reach up to 24.

    Ex) In case of hitting a 'Single' area of a flickering target.  


    Target + 1 increase >> Multiplication rate + 1 increase >> Targeted number becomes an invalid zone.

    How to win

    Player with the highest scores at the end of the final round wins.

     Point of this game

    Aim at the flicker targets in order to increase the multiplication rate. Try to hit the areas with the most flickering numbers. 

    At the earlier rounds, avoid the risk of aiming 'Triple' areas. Rather focus on 'Single' areas to surely increase the multiplication rate. 

    Aim at the lower points to easily increase the multiplication rate. After the second half of the game, aim at the 'Triple' zone of the flickering numbers to reach high scores. 

    (Try aiming for triple 20 rather than bull as the last number.)