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5) Challenging a Game

  • Count Up

    A player who has the highest score wins.
    Starting from 0, points won in each round are added to score. A player who has the highest score wins the game. 

    - Each player starts game with 0 points.
    - A player who has the highest score up to the 8th round wins.
    - A total of points won by throwing three darts is a score for one round. Players compete in a total of eight rounds.

    Point: Players can learn positions of each number and how to calculate points when hitting double/ triple/ bull. This game is ideal for darts game beginners.

    How to Play Game

    Screen View - Each element is described.  

    How to Play Count Up
    1. In the main menu, select using up/ down keys and press Enter.  
    2. Select at the top of submenu and press Enter. 
    3. Choose the number of players. You can play it by yourself. Or up to eight players can play this game together. 
    4. Touch Phoenix Club Card to the card reader on console and press Enter to start game!

    # Try practicing by setting a goal, such as to throw darts until you record more than 600 points by the eighth round or to score an average of 80 points in each round. We recommend beginners set a goal of 500 points.

  • 01 Game

    The player who finishes the game with 0 points first wins. 
    You must deduct the given points and finish at exactly 0. This is the fun element of this game. 

    - Reduce your points (Ex.: 301, 501, 701, 901, 1101, 1501) and end the game at exactly 0 points.  
    - You "bust" if the points you score on exceeds 0. Your points will go back to the points remaining in the previous round. 
    - If nobody finishes a game within the set round, the player with the lowest remaining points wins. 

    Point: Start by aiming for bull, which reduces the largest points. If you have 100 - 60 points remaining, throw darts paying attention to 'Arrange.' 
    How to Control Machine

    01 Game Main Screen - To a screen where a game is played for a bit

    1. In the main menu, select <01 GAME> using up/ down keys and press Enter.
    2. There are six submenus from <301> to <1501>. Select a game and press Enter. 
    3. Decide the number of players using up/ down buttons. You can select up to # players. 
    4. Touch Phoenix Club Card to the card reader on machine and press Enter to start game!
    * 'Arrange' is a technique to leave numbers that are easy to aim for and also refers to a point that can be finished up by throwing three darts. If 52 points are remaining, you will have 2 left if hitting bull first. There are 17 and 15 next to 2, so it is easy to bust. A recommended order is to leave 50 by hitting 2 first!

  • Standard Cricket

    This is a strategic game to win points by occupying seven areas (such as 15 - 20 and bull) before your opponent and extensively targeting those areas. 

    1. You will occupy an area by marking the designated cricket numbers (15 - 20, bull) three times. Hitting the number once is one mark (/), twice is two marks (x) and three times is open (o). The designated cricket numbers 15 - 20 and bull must gain three marks by a combination of singles, doubles or triples. 
    2. If a number is open, you can win points equivalent to the number after you hit three marks. Double bull and single bull are calculated as 2 marks (50 points) and 1 mark (25 points) respectively.
    3. If a number that has become your area is marked three times or more by an opponent, the area becomes invalid, and points can't be added. This is called 'closed.'
    4. A player who has the highest score and closes all cricket areas becomes the winner. If two players have the same score and all areas haven't been closed, a player with a higher score wins. If scores are the same, higher MPR wins. If MPR is the same, a player who has thrown a dart first wins. 

    How to Control Machine

    Open Cricket Main Screen.

    1. In the main menu, select using up/ down buttons and press Enter.
    2. Select in the submenu and press Enter. There are a number of other cricket games. 
    3. Decide the number of players using up/ down buttons and press Enter. Up to ## players can play the game together.
    4. Touch Phoenix Club Card to the card reader on machine and press Enter to start game!

    * Open from highest number. A strategic point is to decide if you will add points by hitting the opened numbers first or increase your areas so as not to give an opportunity for your opponant to gain points.