
My Story

Perfil de tempos livres

  • Histórico de jogos de dardos (Ano/Mês)
  • Jogo favorito
  • Tem um(a) namorado(a)?
  • Passatempo
  • Qual é a sua comida favorita?
  • Bebida favorita
  • Apresentação
Procurar ID / palavra-passe




  • [Game Description]

    Beginning with a basic score of 40, aim at the designated target numbers to increase your scores.



    Player with the highest scores at the end of the final round wins.


    How to Play

    Beginning with a basic score of 40, aim at the designated target numbers in each round to increase your scores.You can score only by hitting all the three darts in the designated numbers. Your scores would be halved in case at least one of your darts failed to hit the designated numbers.

    How to win

    Player with the highest scores at the end of the final round wins.

    ※ In case of team mathes, the team with the highest total points wins.

     Point of this game

    Your scores are halved in case at least one of your darts in a single round does not hit the designated numbers. Focus on hitting the target numbers to reach high scores.