[Game Description]
The [Over] from PHOENIX has returned in VSPHOENIX.
You can achieve points only if you score higher than the designated point displayed on the screen.
Player with the highest score at the end of the final round wins.
※In case of team matches, the team with the highest total score wins.How to Play
Adjust your taget in order to score higher that the target point displayed on the screen.When you score higher than the target point, the round would be cleared.
The amount of point exceeding the target point would be added as your score.
The cleared point of the previous player would automatically be set as the target point for the next player.If you do not exceed the target point, you would fail the round.
You will lose one heart, and gain no points.
How to win
Player with the highest score at the end of the final round wins.
※ In case of team matches, the team with the highest total score wins.Option (Game Settings)
Among the options (game settngs), you can set the following:
- Limit Option
- Half-IT
- Bull-SplitLimit Option
Option to increase the score of the player (+10, +30 and +50)
Players can score when the [Target Point + LIMIT Point]. Players fail when they score lower/higher than this score.
Ex) If the target point is 75 with a limit option of +10, players can only succeed from the range 75 to 85.Half-It Option
This option halves the score of the players when they fail.
Bull Split Option
This option sets the score of Single Bull and Double Bull as 25 and 50 points, respectivvely.〆 Point of this game
It is mportant to achieve high scores. However, it is also important to make the points of opponents closer to the range that you can easily score. In case there is a great gap of ability with your opponent, utilize our various options for more amusement.